Friday, March 09, 2007

Now thats What I call Qatar 47: World of contrasts

Dear All,

2 blogs in 2 days well someone has some writing to do right!

Well aneway as some of u may know im a keen photographer and i read the following article

Which is about this guy winning photograph of the year award at some press event, aneway, the photo is one of the war in lebanon in the summer and shows some lebanese in a mini cooper entering a area that has been destroyed and as usual the lebos look glamourous despite the carnage around them.

I do think its a fantastic picture that does really encaspulate the disgusting world the lebanese live in. For those who dont know me, i cant stand the majoirty of lebanese, at least the ones i met, there incredibly obnoxious, pompous and arrogant. The ones in the uk, the ones here, and the ones i met whereever i gone, and my feelings stay the same. The one thing that i feel they can be proud of is the one thing that the lebanese i meet are ashmed of, and thats Hezbolla. Now I dont regard them as a terroist organisation, and think if you were to label them a terroist organisation then u shud label MI6 or Mossad or CIA/FBI, because despite them not being the offical army of the country they protect their citizens, and with Hezbolla they also provide for them in a underhand way in my opinon. The lebanese i meet feel that they dont have protect them, so I ask them, well who does, and they will reply the goverment, or that they are not intrested about that and it doesnt affect them. So when their is indisriminite bombing and attacks against their family and friends who will they ask or seek protection from? and the reply is, it wont happen again, and this naivety is geniune. The society that exists in lebanon is plastic and i think this picture descipts that.

Finally about lebos i heard this fact that their are more lebos in brazil than in lebanaon, thats disgusting fact and shows what pride they have in their home land.

Aneway I also wanted to quickly speak about the cricket world cup starting next week i cant wait, my beloved bangladesh is in HOT FORM, they beat new zeland who jus thrashed Austrila so using the logic were better than Austraila. IF bangladesh dont win it, then i want england to win it, and if that doesnt happen either india or pakistan im undecided, as India is wheres my dads from and its having quite a few muslim players these days so itsa hard choice, but i cant wait!

Aneway i best be off take care

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