Friday, October 06, 2006

Now thats what I call Qatar 7..Dr Love Edition

Dear All,

Good evening to my readers in the great State of Qatar, all 1 of
you.... and good afternoon to those in the UK and good morning to
those in the USA (west coast)!!

So its been a few days since my last update, and I'm pleased to know
there has been quite a few comments about my blog to me, which is
nice, and there are still a number of readers whom are reading my
blog, and though the great medium that is Facebook, that number will

Talking about facebook, they allowed everyone to join which i applaud,
especially as it allows Shamina to become a member which she has done,
though it means i must check my behaviour! only joking, i
always behave well! Regarding that topic though, it is very typical
that for couples the issue of jealousy and other girls/guys always
cause a major problem, and the whole x's situation, and it takes a
long time, for couples to get over the whole topic...

Rheanna once told me, that one should never fret about x's or
concerned of the past because we should just be happy,because whatever
has happened has helped shape that person, so for example say a person
has had a 'thousand' flings or just one serious love, whichever it is,
that/those relationships have helped the person you become who they
are, and you may not be with them if they hadn't those experiences so
rather than obsess about the past its vital for any
relationship/marriage you learn to move on, accept each others pasts
and move forward....

Sorry went into Dr Love mode there, but being away from Shamina, and
all my friends and family has placed a a light onto the relationships
i have, with my Friends, family and especially shamina, the distance
is making me put the relationships i have in perspective, and in
retrospect you can c the nature of people, and generally i have found
majority of my friends to be as good as i thought they were in
England, however some people have disappointed me whilst some have
excelled my expectations, one such is Henry, who has been emailing me
lengthily emails fairly regularly, and though we were good friends
before i feel that our correspondence has increased our friendship....

I have been missing my friends alot ,and my family and my nephew
ESPECIALLY (look at my facebook photo album titled Graduation to c the
cutest 22 months old in the world) but honestly i been missing mostly
Shamina, its really hard being away from your partner,. most of the
people here have girlfriends back home in England/USA, and from what
i gather there all finding it tough, but most of them haven't been
with their partner for that long as I have, and they have all been
here longer than i have plus I'm the youngest on the project, so with
those factors compounded I'm finding it hard in that respect, however
its being made easier with the help of Skype (my name is
Stormyasif786, for those who have it add me), and the fact i have
pretty good holidays here and the level of living conditions is so
good here, that it makes the whole situation a little easier to take!!

Anyway i think everyone had there dose of Dr love for this week, and
finally i will end with this news story

which i found to be very intresting and was a surprise in reading it,
but found it funny how the article said that the main factor is
because they share an intrest in 'immigration' where that has nothing
to do with relgion, and hispaniics are quite strong
catholics(generalisation i know), so it did surprise me, however that
many people are converting especially in USA where Islam has such a
negative light, you would assume that there would be very few
conversions, and any in the west do convert, but i guess any publicity
is good publicity, and people have learnt about it alot more, but im
still surprised.

Anyway take care of yourselves

Sheikh Asif Mahmood

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