Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Now thats what I call Qatar 11...VIP Birthday Day....

Dear All,

Its on the eve of one of the most important days in the gregorian calender for myself, its almost the 25th october, where two people close to me have their birthday...Shamina Khanum and Bilal Anwar.
For those who know me i take my and other birthdays a very serious occasion, in serious i mean SERIOUS GIFT GIVING/RECIEVING, and despite my long distance away from these people i have done all i can to ensure I can still give presents. I gave Bilal his before I left, and have ordered Shaminas which she wil hopefully recieve at some point!

So for my birthday I went to a meal with my dad, sister and nephew at the intercontinental, it was a really nice place, and it was a ramadan tent, which is quite common among al the nice hotels here, where they have swirrling devishs(dancers with long piece of clothes that swirl around in a artistic manner, ( i know its not clear, however if you wish to know more I would suggust checking it out on youtube, its quite intresting to see) and then there is live singers and as much food as u can imagine, and its not that expensive, it is expensive for over here but not more than a average-good restaurtant in london, and so when u comepare to the london prices its DEF worth it!

I also been taking my family to many places whilst they have been here, and l been getting a better grasp of DOha, and its certainly growing on me... like i said in the previous emial I just i wish i could share it with many more people! I think quite a few people will start to visit me over the next few months, and my life here is a little crazy already and I am sure it wil get even more so in the future! I have been here since middle of September, and then I am coming back in Novemeber to the UK for training, and then over the New Year I am coming back to the UK, and maybe somewhere else in Europe! And then in Feb I jhave my R and R and intend to go to Saudi Arabia to do Ummrah(which is like the pilgrimage to Mecca except isnt done at the anytime of the year that is not in Hajj) iA. After that I wont be back til at least may, and therefore I expect most of my visitors between that time...or around Christmas..

Im watchign the new episode of Lost, Fantastic! for those who havent seen it, where the hell have u been?u get to get on that mofo...i dont know how the writers and the producers do it, its jus so different to the usual programes its like watching a film, execpt with short annoying week long breaks!

Aneway im busy txting Bilal and Shamina, as I always do i try to get the txt in bang in at 12am,,,i dont know why i get so funny about birthdays, but the way I see it , its for a few reasons firstly I think of the day as special because it is the day God decdied to bring them into this world, and secondly because they have celebreated another year on this plannet, which is a good thing, and deserves to be celebrated!

I best go but I am so happy and in someways im more happy this day than I am no my birthday, as I enjoy giving more than reciving, what do you guys enjoy more?

Take care of yourseleves and enjoy this day for it could and should be a special day...


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