Monday, September 11, 2006

First day in the Corporate World

Dear All,

I hope your well, and you had a good weekend...I am writing this from a undiscolsed location in the UK (baker street if u must know!)

I jus completed my first day of 'work' if you can call it that, it was an induction day where not much happened, jus ate alot (FAT BASTARD is what ur thinking...cuz if u know me u know i made sure i got my travelcards worth!) and did some fairly pointless activites, such as this group activity trying to simulate a real project, but in the end they wantedus to work together with the other teams when originally they pitted us against each other (ur confused...well thats my point there jus pointless non-meaning exercieses thar companies love to waste thousands of pounds on jus so they can say they invest this much time and money into training!)

However for all those who does work, will know that the only tangible benefit of working is the last day of the month(PAY DAY) and though im way off it at the moment im already spending like i jus got paid!!

aneway my family is calling so ill write more later take care


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